Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My One Beauty

So, I have to thank you for your sweet condolences about my hair incident. The hair incident.

I'm not a particularly vain woman, but I have to say that my hair has always been my crowning glory. Every time I think about it I remember Beth (?) from Little Women, exclaiming after her sister has sold her hair for Papa, "Meg! Your one beauty!!".

It hasn't always behaved as I would like and I have been known to fight it's very nature, but... the color....that's winning the genetic lottery right there.

Here I am with Andrew as a baby (pre-hair trauma):

It's growing out. Slowly but surely. And Rose, you are right - I can hardly keep my hands off of my porcupine scalp!

1 comment:

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Your hair is just gorgeous, but surely you know its not your ONE beauty. What a pretty lady you are!